Dear Friends,

Hope you all know that Sevalayam has been one of our regular beneficaries since 2009. The people involved in the uplift of the kids at sevalayam had decided to celebrate the good scores of few students (5 people had scored above 400 out of 500) in the SSLC (X Std) exam in this year 2010.

While doing so, they thought of appreciating few volunteers for their good help and service. We are one among them :). The event was planned to happen on 16th June 2010, Wednesday.

Below is the invitation sent from Sevalayam (Ms TamilSelvi and Ms Arunmozhi from Madurai, they are the backbones for the improvement of the kids @ Sevalayam).

The Invitation from Sevalayam for the event on 16Jun2010

The gift given to all the volunteers was a shield and a khadi towel. The picture of the shield is given below.

The shield from Sevalayam for the event on 16Jun2010

Actually we could not meet the collector as he was held up with few other official meetings and we had to rush to catch our bus for the return journey. As the collector came late, we could not meet him on the day :(.

Just wanted to share this happy news with you :)

Thank you very much for your kind support and wishes.

Lets keep up the spirits and good work :)

Raghavan alias Saravanan M.
21 June 2010, Monday 11 20 PM IST.